Journey of Resilience

Renewed Hope From Advanced Breast Cancer

How a Second Opinion and Holistic Support Changed Everything

Sabrina’s path began in a small village in eastern China, where an early fascination with chemistry and biology blossomed into a successful career in pharmaceutical marketing. Curiosity led to extensive travels across Europe and Asia before a move to Dallas in 2017. The real challenge arose in fall 2018 when a growing breast mass signaled trouble. She delayed seeking care for six months, and the eventual diagnosis was Stage IV metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer, already spread to her liver, bones and brain.

Initially, doctors suggested immediate treatment, estimating three years to live regardless of intervention. Discouraged, Sabrina opted for alternative regimens, including restrictive diets and a suitcase full of supplements. Her pain escalated, culminating in a broken vertebra that required emergency surgery. Weakened and losing weight, she felt hopeless about her prognosis.

Everything changed when coworkers recommended a second opinion at City of Hope in Southern California. A bilingual social worker, Jenny Lu, offered emotional and practical support, addressing cultural stigmas often associated with cancer in Asian communities. Sabrina found a dedicated team that included oncologist Dr. Joanne Mortimer, who personalized a treatment plan integrating targeted therapies like Herceptin, Perjeta, Taxotere and eventually Enhertu and Xeloda. This combination shrank her tumors, relieved her pain and restored mobility.

Sabrina now embraces each day with renewed purpose. She exercises, gardens, attends church and pursues community college classes. While metastatic breast cancer is often terminal, Sabrina’s disease remains stable, and her quality of life is markedly improved. She shares her story to encourage others to seek timely treatment, get second opinions, lean on emotional support and focus on living fully. “Enjoy the moment” is her guiding principle.

Source: City of Hope (Published in October 2023)


Stage IV metastatic breast cancer affecting the breast, liver, bones and brain.

Biomarker profile: HER2-positive


Targeted therapies (Herceptin, Perjeta, Enhertu), chemotherapy (Taxotere, Xeloda), surgery for spinal fracture and holistic social support at City of Hope


Tumors significantly reduced, pain managed, mobility regained and an active life filled with travel, community engagement and hope

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