Journey of Resilience
Conquering a Skull Base Tumor: The Remarkable Recovery from Stage IV Nasopharyngeal Cancer
How a Dedicated Care Team and Aggressive Treatments Restored Hearing, Vision, and Hope
In early 2018, a 59-year-old individual was battling profound weakness, barely able to walk a few steps without resting. This severe fatigue stemmed from nine weeks of high-dose chemotherapy for stage IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a rare head and neck cancer and skull base tumor. Diagnostics had revealed a large tumor behind the left eye, causing that eye to turn completely inward and blocking much of the left ear’s hearing.
At MD Anderson, a specialized team led by head and neck/skull base surgeon Dr. Shirley Su quickly developed a comprehensive plan. Radiation oncologist Dr. Adam Garden meticulously mapped radiation therapy to precisely target the tumor’s intricate location near vital nerves. Medical oncologist Dr. Renata Ferrarotto oversaw chemotherapy to shrink the tumor before radiation began. During the first chemotherapy cycle, painful throat blisters nearly prevented adequate nutrition, but numbing solutions allowed enough intake to sustain strength through treatment.
As the combined therapies progressed, the left eyelid—which had fully closed—began to reopen, and hearing gradually returned. A nurse practitioner, Jennifer Hess, provided daily encouragement, reporting early signs of tumor shrinkage. Each positive scan inspired greater optimism, especially once it became apparent the tumor was reducing significantly in size. This aggressiveness from the care team, paired with unwavering support, enabled the patient to endure 33 radiation treatments and additional chemotherapy.
By August 2018, all scans showed no evidence of disease. Strength and weight have since rebounded to nearly pre-cancer levels. Both hearing and vision have returned to normal. The patient remains diligent with follow-up appointments to maintain the hard-won remission but continues leading an active life—regularly walking five miles and even swimming with sharks.
Stage IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma extending into the skull base, affecting eye alignment and hearing
Biomarker profile: Not reported
Multiple cycles of high-dose chemotherapy, 33 radiation treatments, and careful monitoring of nutrition and side effects
Sustained “no evidence of disease” since August 2018, with hearing, vision, and physical stamina restored
Source: MD Anderson Cancer Center (Published in October 2019)