Journey of Resilience

Never accept “no” – pushing boundaries can yield miraculous results.

A Determined Patient’s Journey From Grim Prognosis to No Evidence of Disease

In December 2021, Luke M., a healthy 40-year-old father of three, went to the ER after experiencing pain in his side. An ultrasound revealed a small liver spot, and within two weeks, an MRI detected 15 lesions. Soon after, a biopsy and colonoscopy showed stage IV colon cancer, which had spread extensively to his liver. Doctors initially told Luke that surgery was impossible and estimated he might only live one year with chemotherapy alone.

Despite this dire prognosis, Luke began chemotherapy immediately, completing 19 rounds over nine months. Encouragingly, each scan showed significant tumor shrinkage, and by March 2022, his liver lesions had already decreased by 30%. Seeking additional opinions, Luke learned of a new combination treatment at MD Anderson from a trusted surgical oncologist contact. Within 10 days, Luke and his wife, Sarah, traveled from Des Moines, Iowa, to Houston, Texas, to meet Dr. Ching-Wei Tzeng.

Because Luke’s liver was unusually small, a complete resection was risky. Dr. Tzeng recommended Luke lose 30 pounds to reduce body mass and undergo a right hepatic vein and right portal vein embolization. This technique deprived the tumor-filled part of the liver of blood flow, stimulating healthy tissue to grow. In October 2022, after meeting these strict criteria, Luke underwent a seven-and-a-half-hour surgery to remove 70% of his liver. Dr. Tzeng left one remaining tumor for a subsequent ablation, and two months later, Dr. Brian Bednarski removed Luke’s primary colon tumor.

By January 2023, scans detected no signs of cancer, and a ctDNA blood test confirmed there were no circulating tumor cells left behind. Luke, who now returns every three months for follow-ups, has resumed teaching and life with his family—grateful for the second chance he was given. Both Luke and Sarah credit MD Anderson’s willingness to explore innovative options for saving his life.


Stage IV colon cancer with 15 liver lesions and an unusually small liver volume

Biomarker profile: Not reported


19 rounds of chemotherapy, hepatic vein and portal vein embolization, major liver resection, colon resection


No evidence of disease, living an active life, and returning for regular checkups

Source: MD Anderson Cancerwise (Published April 2023)

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